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Rating 15
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Event details

Directed by Maura Delpero
Starring: Tommaso Ragno, Roberta Rovelli, Martina Scrinzi

A richly compassionate, emotional and detailed drama of family secrets in the wartime Italian countryside.

1944. In Vermiglio, a high mountain village of the Italian Alps where war looms as a distant but constant threat. The arrival of Pietro, a refugee soldier, disrupts the dynamics of the local teacher’s family, changing them forever.

During the four seasons marking the end of World War II, Pietro and Lucia, the eldest daughter of the teacher, instantly drawn to each other, led to marriage and an unexpected fate. As the world emerges from its tragedy, the family will face its own.

Silver Lion Grand Jury Prize winner at Venice Film Festival

119 minutes

Members: £8.90
Non-members: £9.90

Member Under 16: £6.75
Non-members Under 16: £7.50

£5 for Young Storyhouse Card
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Italian with English subtitles