Fortnightly, Mondays and Fridays
Not a Reading Group
An informal fortnightly meet-up to talk about books
Event details
Not a Reading Group is welcoming all booklovers to the Kitchen at Storyhouse. We meet every four weeks on a Friday morning and on a Monday evening. Please feel free to join either or both – whichever day suits you best.
This is not a book group as you know it!
There will be no required reading and we won’t discuss a specific title. Instead, we’ll talk about books that we’ve read, those that we’ve enjoyed, those that we would recommend and those we are looking forward to. Here at Storyhouse Library we think that escaping into the world of books is a very good way to spend an hour. So if you agree, come and join us for book talk, whatever your preferred genre. Who knows what new titles will be added to your ‘to be read’ list?!
Not A Reading Group is now part of Reading Friends, a Read, Talk Share befriending programme from The Reading Agency.
Reading Friends brings people together to read, share stories, meet new friends and have fun; tackling social isolation, supporting mental health and wellbeing.
Find out more here.
Free – drop in