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Storyhouse Queer

Corporate Opportunities

About the festival

Storyhouse Queer is one of two main LGBTQIA+ events in the local area, the other being the annual Chester Pride in August.

9.35% of people aged 16 years and over in Chester City & Garden Quarter are lesbian, gay, bisexual or other – Storyhouse Queer festival is curated both for and by this community.

Last year over 3000 people attended Storyhouse Queer events and we sold 1000+ tickets to shows and performances. 37% of audiences were new bookers showing the increasing reach of the festival.

In addition to Storyhouse Queer Festival we also offer free space to LGBTQIA+ community groups including two book clubs and a social group for older LGBTQIA+ people, a queer comedy writing group will start next month and we’re also planning a monthly queer film club.

2025 will be our biggest festival yet with an incredible line-up…

When: 28 January – 2 February 2025

Where: Across Storyhouse’s theatres and spaces.

Reach: We sold 1000+ tickets and saw 3000+ attendees at Storyhouse Queer in 2024.

Headliners already confirmed for 2025:

Queenz: Drag Me to the Disco – 30th Jan

Other events include:

Family-friendly free performance.

Allyship workshops.

Drag workshops.

Community quilt exhibition and workshop.

LGBTQ+ comedy show and workshop.

Curated film programme in the cinema.

New writing in the theatre.

Panel discussions/talks on current issues.

Our corporate packages

Principal Sponsor - £8,000 • Introduction before all of our events as our principle sponsor (3,000+ attendees over the festival • Free tickets for employees (capped at 100) • Logo on all print materials & digital materials (Including main stage large screen, cinema screen and kitchen screen) • Link to your company on our website (1,000+ daily visits) • Shout out on social media (76.7k followers across platforms) • Press release Day Sponsor - £1,000 • Logo on print materials • Introduction at all of the days events as our day sponsor • Link to your company on our website (1,000+ daily visits) • Shout out on social media (76.7k followers across platforms) Event Sponsor - £500+ (for event on the Main Stage) £350+ (for events in our Garret Stage) • Introduction at all of the days events as our day sponsor • Link to your company on our website (1,000+ daily visits) • Shout out on social media (76.7k followers across platforms)

How to contact our fundraising team:

Call us at:
01244 409113

Email us at:

Visit our website at:

Pop in for a visit:
Storyhouse, Hunter St, Chester, CH1 3AR

Follow us on:



Twitter / X

Benefits for your business

Thank you for considering sponsoring Storyhouse Queer as a Corporate Sponsor, giving you and your business fantastic opportunity for:

Your benefits

Community Engagement – Demonstrate your commitment to the local community.

Increased Visibility – Enhance your company’s exposure within the city and beyond.

Association with a major cultural charity – Align with one of the county’s leading cultural organisations.

Audience Expansion – Reach new and diverse audiences across the festival programme.

Enhanced Reputation – Strengthen your image as a socially responsible company.

Positive PR Opportunities – Generate favourable publicity for your organisation.

Support Socially Significant Events – Contribute to funding an important and socially impactful event.

Our reach

30k+ Facebook Followers

22k+ Instagram Followers

25k+ Twitter / X Followers

3k+ Daily Website Visitors

Storyhouse is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Registered in England & Wales Company No 05541255. Registered Charity No 1121007