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Storyhouse Complaints Policy

At Storyhouse, we are committed to providing exceptional experiences for all our customers. We understand that occasionally concerns or complaints may arise, and we take these matters seriously. Our Customer Complaints Policy outlines our approach to addressing and resolving customer complaints in a fair, efficient, and respectful manner.

  1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for addressing and resolving customer complaints promptly and effectively, while ensuring that all customers are treated with dignity and respect.
  2. Scope: This policy applies to all customers of Storyhouse, including but not limited to customers, members, donors, volunteers, vendors, and other stakeholders.
  3. Definition of a Complaint: A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction or concern raised by a customer regarding their experience with Storyhouse, its services, programmes, staff, facilities, or any other aspect related to our operations.
  4. Complaint Handling Principles:
    • All complaints will be treated seriously and handled promptly.
    • Complaints will be addressed in a fair, transparent, and impartial manner.
    • Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the complaint handling process, respecting the privacy of the complainant and any individuals involved.
    • Complaints will be resolved in a manner that seeks to achieve a satisfactory outcome for the complainant while upholding the values and standards of Storyhouse.
  5. Complaint Handling Process:
    • Customers are encouraged to express their complaints promptly and directly to a member of staff or through our designated complaint channels: through this page: or email or via phone on 01244409113 or in-person in Storyhouse.
    • Upon receiving a complaint, the staff member will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 3 working days.
    • Complaints will be investigated thoroughly, taking into account all relevant information and perspectives.
    • Depending on the nature of the complaint, it may be escalated to the appropriate level of management for resolution.
    • We will strive to resolve complaints within a reasonable timeframe, keeping the complainant informed of the progress and any expected delays.
    • Once a resolution has been reached, we will communicate the outcome to the complainant and any necessary follow-up actions.
  6. Feedback and Continuous Improvement:
    • We welcome feedback on our complaints handling process and will periodically review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness.
    • Customer feedback, including complaints and suggestions for improvement, will be used to identify areas for enhancement in our services and operations.
  7. Training and Awareness:
    • All staff members will receive training on our Customer Complaints Policy and procedures to ensure they are equipped to handle complaints effectively and professionally.
    • Regular reminders and updates will be provided to staff to maintain awareness of the policy and their responsibilities in complaint handling.
  8. Accessibility:
    • We are committed to ensuring that our complaint handling process is accessible to all customers, including those with disabilities or language barriers. Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request.
  9. Monitoring and Reporting:
    • We will monitor complaints trends and outcomes to identify any systemic issues or recurring problems and take corrective action as necessary.
    • Reports on complaints received and their resolution will be compiled and reviewed by management on a regular basis.
  10. Review and Revision:
    • This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

We value the feedback and input of our visitors and stakeholders. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy or wish to submit a complaint, please contact us through our designated complaint channels.