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Storyhouse Welcomes Chester's Young Creatives With A Host Of Exciting Opportunities

Storyhouse is offering young people in Chester a wealth of fantastic opportunities to engage in transformational creative experiences. 

The programme put together by Young Storyhouse, along with the Hunter Street cultural centre’s wider work, includes everything from youth theatre for five-year-olds to marketing experience for graduates. 

And Storyhouse has also signed up to the government’s Kickstart Scheme to offer paid trainee placements to young people at risk of long-term unemployment. 

Over the course of the pandemic, Storyhouse’s young members have come up with a host of ways to continue meeting, learning, and creating including weekly Zoom sessions and the development of a special range of new podcasts called On The Act.

But now as we begin to return to more normal times, they are pleased to be able to start the process of welcoming back talented young creatives for in person sessions as well as continuing online meetings, and to invite new members to join the range of carefully designed programmes. 

Young people are at the heart of the Storyhouse family, and since it began four years ago the Young Storyhouse initiative has supported hundreds to connect, create, gain skills and build confidence. 

The following opportunities are currently available for young people. 


YS Leaders 

Young Leaders is for people who may need extra support to gain skills, connect with others, discover their passion, and develop work skills and knowledge of the creative industry. Participants are usually referred to Storyhouse by social and probation services, schools, or a carers, in care or neurodiverse. 

Participants receive mentoring, training and practical opportunities as well as exploring all the different roles and teams at Storyhouse, and work towards a formal Arts Award (a nationally recognised qualification). 

There are opportunities to join the Young Leaders’ 14 to 17-year-olds and 18 to 25-year-olds groups, along with a nine-month programme designed for young people who would benefit from a longer-term intervention. 


YS Marketeers 

YS Marketers is a free programme for 16 to 25-year-olds which offers an insight into using social media, advertising, design, photography. 

Members go behind-the-scenes at Storyhouse to find out how marketing works in the arts. They hear directly from industry professionals, design and action their own marketing campaigns, learn how to write for different audiences and host press nights. 


YS Programmers 

The Storyhouse programme team creates and chooses the theatre, music, dance and film events that take place at the venue. 

Storyhouse Young Programmers get real life experience creating their own events including film screenings, open mic nights and building takeovers as well as developing digital events. 

And they also bring in new young audiences and showcase young talent. 

The group is for 14 to 25-year-olds. 


YS Readers 

Young Readers is a new book club for 14 to 25-year-olds who love to read. 

The group meets weekly – currently both socially distanced in person and online – to chat about all things book-related but also to work with the Storyhouse Library team to curate the Young Adult section of the library. 

There are no weekly reading lists and members are encouraged to simply come along and share their thoughts. 


In addition to the Young Storyhouse groups and programmes, there are also opportunities available for young people through the Youth Theatre and Kickstart Scheme. 


Youth Theatre 

Storyhouse Youth Theatre is aimed at five to 13-year-olds who are interested in seeing, making and performing theatre. No previous experience is required, but enthusiasm and energy are a must. 

The Youth Theatre starts again in September with three 12-week terms and each age group meets weekly at workshops guided by professionals who help youngsters develop theatre skills and build confidence. 

Youth Theatre members also enjoy a range of exciting opportunities including performances, trips and summer workshops. 

Some weekly sessions for the new term are already full, but places remain in the 5-7 and 11-13 age categories. Fees apply and concessions are available. 


Storyhouse Young Company (SYC)  

A 6-month programme of practical workshops and masterclasses with professional artists leading to an intensive 3-week rehearsal and show period working with a leading professional Director.  Storyhouse Young Company is designed to give you the opportunity to develop your theatre and performance skills. You will be supported by a team of professional artists with a wealth of experience in the industry to make a show to be presented in our theatre spaces.   


Kickstart Trainees 

Storyhouse has teamed up with the Kickstart Scheme – which offers six-month paid jobs with local employers for 16 to 24-year-olds, giving them an opportunity to gain the experience of working in a range of exciting businesses. 

We are offering five mentored trainee roles in various departments in the organisation, enabling young people to gain new skills and practically apply them as well as being supported in looking to plan beyond the formal placement. 

To be eligible applicants must be aged 16 to 24 and be in receipt of Universal Credit. 

Referrals are made via JobCentre work coaches and the deadline for completed applications is Tuesday, 31 August. 

 Find out more here




For more information, contact:   

Nancy Davies   

Marketing and PR Manager  


07886 743531  


About Storyhouse   

Storyhouse is one of the UK’s foremost cultural centres incorporating a library, theatres and a cinema. It is one of the country’s most successful arts buildings, with more than one million customer visits each year.  

The pioneering new library within Storyhouse, where members of the community work alongside city librarians, boasts the longest opening hours of any UK public library and is open every day until 11pm. It runs over 2,000 sessions a year for marginalised communities  

The company also runs a highly successful theatre company and the country’s most successful regional open-air theatre, in the city’s Grosvenor Park and Moonlight Flicks open air cinema.   

Storyhouse currently holds the official title as the UK’s Most Welcoming Theatre and was the overall national winner in the 2018 Guardian Public Service Awards.

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