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Storyhouse's Artistic Policy

Tell the world stories

Storyhouse’s artistic policy is to Tell the World Stories and we believe in the power of stories to create understanding within and between communities, spark creativity and allow people to feel seen and heard. We are committed to creating and presenting outstanding artistic opportunities for everyone.

We are an independent arts centre and creative hub in Chester in the North West of England which incorporates a library, mid-scale theatre, studio theatre and a cinema. We also run an open-air theatre every summer in the city’s Grosvenor Park.

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Storyhouse Originals

Storyhouse Originals is the name we give to our home-produced work throughout the year. This includes our annual Christmas show on our main stage, two/three shows for our Open Air Theatre, a curriculum text which tours to schools and community venues, and one other production in the Spring season. We have co-produced with other companies including Triple C and New Earth and are always open to new co-producing relationships.

We are interested in work that raises urgent conversations, whether through the commissioning of new writing, or the re-imagining of classic texts through queer and feminist lenses. We are passionate about taking titles that exist in different genres – from film or literature for example – to give audiences a sense of ownership of the piece, allowing us to meet new audiences who might previously have thought theatre wasn’t for them. We also aim to spark conversations for our audiences by offering alternative perspectives in a safe space, where they won’t feel alienated and whilst still ensuring they have a good night out.

Ultimately we are driven by telling exciting stories in interesting ways.