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About Storyhouse

Storyhouse is an independent arts centre and creative hub.

Every £ we make goes back into Storyhouse, to keep our space free and open, and change lives in our communities. The longer you stay, the more you’ll discover.

This house is your house.

Our mission

Here, culture is owned by everyone. We work every day to be a creative home for our communities.

Our values

  • Listen closely – true empathy takes effort. So we work hard to understand different points of view,
  • Look around – opportunities can be spotted by anyone, anywhere, at anytime. So we always have our eyes, ears and minds wide open.
  • Speak up – not everyone’s stories have been told. So we use our voices to amplify those that haven’t been heard.
  • Stand up – debate and discussion make things better for us all. So we don’t shy away from a challenge.
  • Reach out – diverse perspectives solve the hardest problems and make the best decisions. So we seek them out, and invite them in.

Our artistic policy

Storyhouse’s artistic policy is to Tell the World Stories and we believe in the power of stories to create understanding within and between communities, spark creativity and allow people to feel seen and heard. We are committed to creating and presenting outstanding artistic opportunities for everyone.

We are an independent arts centre and creative hub in Chester in the North West of England which incorporates a library, mid-scale theatre, studio theatre and a cinema. We also run an open-air theatre every summer in the city’s Grosvenor Park.

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Our spaces

Our partners


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Find out more about our partners

Kaleidoscope is all about celebrating neurodiversity and everyone's unique talents.

Our history

History of the building

History of Storyhouse